Posts Tagged ‘tribe’



In the desert of Niger, the Wodaabe tribe have a unique way of meeting a mate



India … When I went backpacking through South East Asia in the early nineties, myself and a friend got quite into collecting old beads on our travels, a hobby I still have to this very day.  Back then, along with the Tibetan Plateau, home of the infamously mysterious Dzi beads, North East India’s Nagaland represented my […]

Bye Bye Bayaka

Central African Republic …It’s the end of our time with the Bayaka and tomorrow we’ll be heading off to Cameroon and then home sweet home to the UK, but before I go I thought I’d leave you with one more picture from our Bayaka jungle home.  That’s Mongonjay with his wife and child standing outside […]

Honey Honey, How You Thrill Me

Honey Honey, How You Thrill Me

Central African Republic …When I was a child I spent quite a lot of time up a certain willow tree in our family’s back garden.  There’s a particular kind of comforting  solitude that can only be found up a tree.  I think it has something to do with the fact that as you sit there, […]

Amongst the Forest Spirits

Central African Republic …Often, when people seek out jungle dwelling tribes to photograph, the reality of their experience in the field doesn’t quite live up to the expectation they may have initially brought with them en route to their destination.  It’s 2009 after all, and the heyday of those kind of cultural expeditions has passed […]